Sailcargo Inc - a net zero shipping company - Vol 5 Sneak Peek

Sailcargo Inc is a shipping company sailing its way toward net-zero. Photography Editor, Maya Arkane, speaks with filmmaker Harrison Wood about the project.

Article by: Maya Arkane

Photography by: Harrison Wood

Sailcargo Inc is a for-profit clean shipping company based in Costa Rica. It aims to set a precedent for clean shipping using wind as its main power source, sustainably-sourced wood and renewable energy.

The company have started a movement to inspire change within the shipping industry; proving that it is possible to ship cargo worldwide in a carbon-neutral way. They started building Ceiba in 2019 - the largest cargo ship of its kind carrying 250 metric tonnes of goods. 

I spoke to photographer and filmmaker Harrison Wood about his time in Costa Rica documenting the construction of Ceiba. 

What is Sailcargo about?

Sailcargo Inc is a clean shipping start-up making a case for the alternative ways we could ship using the natural and renewable power of wind. The founders decided they wanted to build a wooden sailing ship to transport cargo under sail and based in Costa Rica due to the strict forestry regulations. As much as anything else, I think that Sailcargo was started to inspire a movement. 

There was less international interest in green shipping so starting with a smaller project seemed sensible. Ceiba can carry 250 metric tonnes, which in a cargo sense, isn’t very much. If we can get this ship built, ship from A to B, and make a profit, commercial interests will follow suit.

How is Sailcargo working towards net zero?

The main way they’re doing this is by using wood to build the boat which they sustainably source.

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